Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Face to Face

II John 1:12 I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete (NIV)

I recently had the good pleasure of meeting a few of my internet friends face-to-face. I hope that possibly some time before the rapture, I can meet many more of you with whom I have weekly (sometimes daily) interaction with via the world-wide-web. There's just something about putting a face with a name that brings joy to the heart. I am a bi-vocational minister, and I spend my weekdays talking with clients and salespeople over the phone on my job. Some of them- in fact most of them I have never seen face-to-face. I usually have some mental image of them in my mind's eye. Occasionally, I do have the privilege of meeting them....and they usually look nothing like I imagined them. However, it's such a joy to finally meet in person this individual with whom you have dialogued so many times before.

The apostle John stated above that he had lots to say, but he didn't want to write it. He wanted to be there with them in person so that their joy may be full. Sometimes I fear that in this technological age, we really don't spend as much time with each other as we should. Internet fellowship is wonderful, but it's no substitute for good company in person. I have heard some speculate that the churches of the future will simply be web portals that people log onto from their living rooms and listen to sermons and sing along with a webcast. I certainly hope that church doesn't degenerate into something so impersonal. The early chuch gatherings were called "love feasts" (or feasts of charity).

But I sure am glad that we do have this technology so I can stay in touch with all of you precious people in the blogosphere. Thanks for taking the time to read today and let me just say (with a big southern drawl) I sure do love y'all.

Have a blessed day!


Libby said...

I like the "southern drawl" considering I grew up in KY:)

Pastor Jeff said...

And I'll toss a southern drawl from a Northern boy back at you, "Y'all better clean th' commode 'for I come!"

Hey, I love ya to, bro! You are a big encouragement to me. Hopefully, before too long, either you can head up to Michigan, or perhaps I can make it down your way. Hey, maybe I'll see you at the GA!