Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Preserve the Unity

Ephesians 4:3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

I think it's noteworthy that Paul didn't say "create" unity...but rather to keep (or preserve) it. There have been many attempts thoughout human history to create unity. In the book of Genesis we read about a Tower of Babel built to reach the heavens. No doubt there was tremendous unity in this for even the Lord said He would come down and confound them because soon nothing would be impossible for them to accomplish. This is an example of the negative side of unity, or one based on human effort and human ambition. We constantly hear the cries for "peace in the Middle East" (and this should not surprise us, because bible prophecy tells us that in the last days there would be cries for "peace and safety"). Anyone with even a cursory reading of the bible knows that true peace will never be achieved until the Prince of Peace arrives on this earth to rule and reign. For those like myself who hold to a literal view of bible prophecy, we will once again see the whole world unite under the banner of antichrist ( read Revelation chapter 13 for clarification). So unity is not always a good thing...BUT

There is a unity that is wonderful. In Psalm 133 the Lord says it is beautiful when Brothers dwell together in unity- in the 3rd verse of that chapter we read that it is "there" (the place where brothers dwell together in unity) that God commands the blessing! We read in the book of Acts and the second chapter that those disciples were all in one accord in one place. This was a miracle in and of itself- can you imagine 120 people being in one accord in the same place in perfect agreement? Through this single-mindedness and unity, the disciples were prepared to receive the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit ever witnessed until that time.

There is a unity that does (and should exist among believers in Christ). We read in another place in Ephesians that there is One Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism. There is a commonality there- a unity- a fellowship of the Spirit that transcends all denominational or cultural distinctions. I think it's dreadful the way the body of Christ attempts to fragment itself. When Christ sees His church, I doubt that He has all of these divisions in His mind- I believe that He sees "THE church"- washed in His blood- forgiven, sanctified, and justified by His grace. Some of the greatest moves of God I have had the honor of participating in have been across denominational lines. While I don't embrace an ecumenical movement in which biblical truths are set aside in the name of unity- I also can't understand why we have such a difficult time cooperating in ministry efforts. Jesus even admitted that Satan's kingdom was not divided (when He was being accused of casting out demons by Beelzebub)- and that a house divided against itself could not stand.

Again- unity cannot be created- only God creates unity through the power of the Holy Spirit- but it can be preserved OR destroyed by us. Paul told the Romans to all speak the same thing and to mark those which cause division- that they were to glorify God with one mouth and one heart. He told the Corinthians to all speak the same thing and to have no divisions- he told the Philippians to be of the same mind. He told the Ephesians to preserve the unity of the Spirit. He told the Galatians not to bite and devour one another, but rather to bear one another's burdens. Of course there are times when we must go separate ways (Paul and Barnabas come to mind..), but let's do everything we can do preserve the precious unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace- for we know it is there that the LORD will command the blessing!


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